The standards my students are following are:
8.EE- This class is also reviewing Expressions and
equations, from 7th grade concepts, with learning new expressions
and equations from 8.EE.
7th grade standard- “Use properties of
operations to generate equivalent expressions,” “Solve real-life and
mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.”
8th grade standard- “Work with radicals and
integer exponents,” “Understand the connections between proportional
relationships, lines, and linear equations,” ” Analyze and solve linear
equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.”
This lesson is an introduction lesson to this unit, so the students will be working in small groups over 3-4 days, learning about graphs and creating their own graphs. By the end of the lesson, the students will have a basic understanding of graphs and slope intercept, making this lesson a segway into the next parts of this unit. To go along with the supplemental math tools, I have inserted a "create your own" math worksheet. This website is a great tool for online generated math worksheets that are effective in the classroom. The link will take you to the worksheet I created. This would also be handed out to the kids in paper form also so they can show their work. I inserted a link in the case that a student was working on this at home.
Secret Code Finder This link takes the students to a graph that I have created. This graph has a "secret code" that students are responsible for figuring out. Depending on group size and ability, the code may be longer than the code given.
Online Math Worksheet This link is a supplemental math sheet for slope-intercept form. If a student is working in this project from home, or felt they needed extra help, here is where they would be able to print off the worksheet, or check their answers/
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