Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

In this lesson, my students are responsible for reading a graph to get a "secret code." Next, they are responsible for following the QR code to a website and completing one section of math work on the website. This is part of their pre-assessment and it is also a project. They will receive a grade on group participation and completion for the website math work. Then, they are to follow the last QR code, to create a post assessment for the entire class to participate in. The Link they follow to figure out the "secret code" is the same website, but they are creating on the third step, whereas the first step they are seeing what their graph should look like.
The standards my students are following are:

8.EE- This class is also reviewing Expressions and equations, from 7th grade concepts, with learning new expressions and equations from 8.EE.
7th grade standard- “Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions,” “Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.”

8th grade standard- “Work with radicals and integer exponents,” “Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations,” ” Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.”

This lesson is an introduction lesson to this unit, so the students will be working in small groups over 3-4 days, learning about graphs and creating their own graphs. By the end of the lesson, the students will have a basic understanding of graphs and slope intercept, making this lesson a segway into the next parts of this unit. To go along with the supplemental math tools, I have inserted a "create your own" math worksheet. This website is a great tool for online generated math worksheets that are effective in the classroom. The link will take you to the worksheet I created. This would also be handed out to the kids in paper form also so they can show their work. I inserted a link in the case that  a student was working on this at home. 
qr code This is a QR code to take the students to Khan Academy. Khan Academy is an interactive and fun math website. The students will complete the section that the QR code goes to, independently.

 Secret Code Finder       This link takes the students to a graph that I have created. This graph has a "secret code" that students are responsible for figuring out. Depending on group size and ability, the code may be longer than the code given.

qr code      This QR code sends the students to a website to create their own "secret code" graph. They are responsible for creating a graph as a group, and having the rest of the class try to break the code. Students will give a "grade" to the group for how well their graph code worked, and if it was possible to break.

Online Math Worksheet This link is a supplemental math sheet for slope-intercept form. If a student is working in this project from home, or felt they needed extra help, here is where they would be able to print off the worksheet, or check their answers/

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