Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Prezi

This Prezi gives a bit of insight of why I chose Special Education and what I intend on doing with my career. Since I will be finished with school in the summer, I am hoping to get a job at a residential facility, working with troubled youth.
          My intended audience for this Prezi is for the people in my class, and for a group of people that I would present this to, like future students and parents. I only include a brief overview of each thing because I would have a voice over, or I would be explaining each slide. I learned about Special Education because of Professor Frick, and my experience I have had with my work and with my volunteerism. In high school, I took a class called Career Mentorship, where I took personality tests and decided what I might possibly want to do with my future. My teacher recommended The Buckeye Ranch, and from my first day of being there, I immediately called my mom and told her it felt like home, I finally found a place where I knew I wanted to work (this made her cry!) To this day, I go to the ranch as often as I can, and help out with small groups and the multi-handicapped ride groups. My real life experiences all come from working with kids and volunteering. However, one thing I did not add was my love for animals. I love animal assisted therapy, especially for the drug addicts and the abused kids. It is a very rewarding job and I love watching the connections made between animals and kids. You really learn how to connect with yourself and the kids when using animals and helping them read body language of themselves, animals and peers.
         The images are, from left to right, the first thank you letter I received from my first field experience, a coworker and I finishing up our community service book drive for Nationwide Children's Hospital, Danny, a pony at the Ranch, and his new hairstyle given to him by some of the girls that live there, a young child who is paralyzed and participating in Animal Therapy, and lastly, the bell all resident's who have a successful discharge get to ring when leaving the ranch. They ring it three times. The first ring represents the past, the second right represents the present, and the last ring represents the future. The websites I chose are both just great references to keep on hand when teaching. Lastly, the Youtube video is a great "day in the life of a special education teacher" video. I am not sure it could be any more on point with our busy days!
        I have used Prezi before in other classes, so I am very familiar with the program. The only thing I don't like, and still don't like, is how not "user friendly"  clicking to type in their text boxes are. Also, some previous slide patterns I have chosen with Prezi, did not have enough slides and I had to add my own, which made things out of order. Adding a voice over is pretty simple, but can be very time consuming. I love Prezi and plan on introducing it to my fourth graders this coming week in Ohio History and transportation!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Three Great Teachers Blogs


This blog is about Special Education, and I use it to remind myself that I am not the only teacher out there teaching! What I have noticed in a lot of my classes, is we forget there are already resources made for us to use, but we get so caught up in teaching and life that we think we have to do it alone, but we don't! This blog is great and helps remind me of that frequently!


This blog talks about technology and the future classroom. Cool to look at and it is a good insight on what teaching will eventually become!


This is a blog about behavior management. This is an important blog to look at when you need ideas on how to calm the students' down, or to redirect their focus!

Welcome To My Blog

Hello! My name is Alexis Gilbert and I will be graduating at the end of the summer! I am currently student teaching at Ashland Univeristy. My major is in Special Education, as an Intervention Specialist, with a focus for grades K-12, Mild-Moderate, Moderate-Intensive, also becoming Highly Qualified to teach English Language Arts. 
Currently, I work at Hilliard City Schools (6 years), where I do School Age Child Care. I love my job, but I am very excited for student teaching! Along with working in Hilliard, I volunteer with Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Central Ohio (4 years) and I also volunteer at The Buckeye Ranch (5 years). I am student teaching in Southwestern City Schools. Because I will be licensed Mild-Moderate, Moderate-Intensive, my student teaching is broken in to two 6 week fields. My first field will be in Kindergarten and 4th grade, and my second field will be with students' between the ages of 10-18, but we are still working on finalizing my placement.
As a future educator, I would like to continue to learn and grow with my students. There will always be information that I do not fully understand that I will count on my students to teach me. Having experience in grades K-8, I have a wide range of information I learn on a daily basis. My main goal as a teacher is to help students' enjoy learning and help them all grow as individuals. I think it is important, especially in middle school, for students' to realize they are responsible for themselves. They are free to choose what they want, but they are not free from the consequences of their actions. I want to be a steady support for them to help them grow as learners and as young adults. An acronym I have shared with everyone of my students' that I have worked with is: FAIL. FAIL means "First Attempt In Learning." It is important for everyone to realize mistakes are what help us grow as people and as learners. If we don't try, how will we know if it is right or wrong? I am excited for student teaching, and I am excited for what lies ahead!